GPS and INS#
Position and orientation of Polar 5 and Polar 6 are recorded by an on-board GPS sensor and the internal navigation system (INS). The following example presents the variables recored by these instruments.
Data access#
To analyse the data they first have to be loaded by importing the (AC)³ airborne meta data catalogue. To do so the ac3airborne package has to be installed. More information on how to do that and about the catalog can be found here. Since some of the data, like the preliminary data of the HALO-(AC)3 campaign, is stored on the (AC)3 nextcloud server, username and password as credentials (registration) are required and need to be loaded from environment variables.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
ac3cloud_username = os.environ['AC3_USER']
ac3cloud_password = os.environ['AC3_PASSWORD']
credentials = dict(user=ac3cloud_username, password=ac3cloud_password)
# local caching
kwds = {'simplecache': dict(
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 2
1 import os
----> 2 from dotenv import load_dotenv
4 load_dotenv()
6 ac3cloud_username = os.environ['AC3_USER']
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dotenv'
import ac3airborne
Get data#
All flights of Polar 5:
cat = ac3airborne.get_intake_catalog()
meta = ac3airborne.get_flight_segments()
flights_p5 = {}
for campaign in ['ACLOUD', 'PAMARCMiP', 'AFLUX', 'MOSAiC-ACA','HALO-AC3']:
All flights of Polar 6:
flights_p6 = {}
for campaign in ['ACLOUD', 'HALO-AC3']:
Have a look at the attributes of the xarray dataset ds_gps_ins
for all relevant information on the dataset, such as author, contact, or citation information.
ds_gps_ins = cat['AFLUX']['P5']['GPS_INS']['AFLUX_P5_RF10'].to_dask()
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (time: 17808) Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-04-03T10:06:26 ... 2019-04-03T15:03:23 Data variables: alt (time) float64 nan 30.14 30.13 30.13 ... 26.04 26.06 26.09 nan gs (time) float64 nan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 nan lat (time) float64 nan 78.25 78.25 78.25 ... 78.25 78.25 78.25 nan lon (time) float64 nan 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 ... 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 nan vs (time) float64 nan 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 ... -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 nan pitch (time) float64 11.61 11.61 11.61 11.61 ... 11.23 11.23 11.23 11.23 roll (time) float64 1.21 1.21 1.22 1.21 1.22 ... 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 heading (time) float64 -76.76 -76.76 -76.76 -76.76 ... -71.94 -71.94 -71.95 Attributes: (12/15) title: P5 position and attitude data description: 1 Hz subset based on GPS1 and INS data processed by AWI e... instruments: GPS1 and INS version: 1.1 institution: Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und ... author: Dr. Mario Mech ... ... featureType: trajectory mission: AFLUX platform: P5 flight_number: RF10 history: acquired by P5 during AFLUX campaign, quality checked by ... created: 2022-05-25
The dataset ds_gps_ins
includes the aircraft’s position (lon
, lat
, alt
), attitude (roll
, pitch
, heading
), and the ground speed, vertical speed and true air speed (gs
, vs
, tas
Load flight phase information#
Polar 5 flights are divided into segments to easily access start and end times of flight patterns. For more information have a look at the respective github repository.
At first we want to load the flight segments of (AC)³ airborne
meta = ac3airborne.get_flight_segments() # this happened before, but it doesn't hurt.
The following command lists all flight segments into the dictionary segments
segments = {s.get("segment_id"): {**s, "flight_id": flight["flight_id"]}
for campaign in meta.values()
for platform in campaign.values()
for flight in platform.values()
for s in flight["segments"]
In this example, we want to look at a racetrack pattern during ACLOUD_P5_RF10
seg = segments["AFLUX_P5_RF10_rt01"]
Using the start and end times of the segment, we slice the data to this flight section.
ds_gps_ins_rt = ds_gps_ins.sel(time=slice(seg["start"], seg["end"]))
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import numpy as np
import ipyleaflet
from simplification.cutil import simplify_coords_idx"../../mplstyle/book")
Plot all flights#
def simplify_dataset(ds, tolerance):
indices_to_take = simplify_coords_idx(np.stack([, ds.lon.values], axis=1), tolerance)
return ds.isel(time=indices_to_take)
# define colors for the flight tracks
colors = [mcolors.to_hex(c)
for c in, 1, len(flights_p5)))]
m = ipyleaflet.Map(basemap=ipyleaflet.basemaps.Esri.NatGeoWorldMap,
center=(80., 6), zoom=3)
for (flight_id, flight),color in zip(flights_p5.items(),colors):
mission = flight['mission']
# read gps dataset of flight
ds = cat[mission]['P5']['GPS_INS'][flight_id].to_dask()
# slice to takeoff and landing times
ds = ds.sel(time=slice(meta[mission]['P5'][flight_id]['takeoff'], meta[mission]['P5'][flight_id]['landing']))
# reduce dataset for plotting
ds_reduced = simplify_dataset(ds, tolerance=1e-5)
track = ipyleaflet.Polyline(
ds_reduced.lon.values], axis=1).tolist(),
m.add_control(ipyleaflet.LegendControl(dict(zip(flights_p5.keys(), colors)),
Plot time series of one flight#
fig, ax = plt.subplots(8, 1, sharex=True)
kwargs = dict(s=1, linewidths=0, color='k')
ax[0].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['alt'], **kwargs)
ax[0].set_ylabel('alt [m]')
ax[1].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['lon'], **kwargs)
ax[1].set_ylabel('lon [°E]')
ax[2].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['lat'], **kwargs)
ax[2].set_ylabel('lat [°N]')
ax[3].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['roll'], **kwargs)
ax[3].set_ylabel('roll [°]')
ax[4].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['pitch'], **kwargs)
ax[4].set_ylabel('pitch [°]')
ax[5].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['heading'], **kwargs)
ax[5].set_ylim(-180, 180)
ax[5].set_ylabel('heading [°]')
ax[6].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['gs'], **kwargs)
ax[6].set_ylabel('gs [kts]')
ax[7].scatter(ds_gps_ins.time, ds_gps_ins['vs'], **kwargs)
ax[7].set_ylabel('vs [m/s]')

Plot time series of racetrack pattern#
fig, ax = plt.subplots(8, 1, sharex=True)
kwargs = dict(s=1, linewidths=0, color='k')
ax[0].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['alt'], **kwargs)
ax[0].set_ylabel('alt [m]')
ax[1].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['lon'], **kwargs)
ax[1].set_ylabel('lon [°E]')
ax[2].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['lat'], **kwargs)
ax[2].set_ylabel('lat [°N]')
ax[3].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['roll'], **kwargs)
ax[3].set_ylabel('roll [°]')
ax[4].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['pitch'], **kwargs)
ax[4].set_ylabel('pitch [°]')
ax[5].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['heading'], **kwargs)
ax[5].set_ylim(-180, 180)
ax[5].set_ylabel('heading [°]')
ax[6].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['gs'], **kwargs)
ax[6].set_ylabel('gs [kts]')
ax[7].scatter(ds_gps_ins_rt.time, ds_gps_ins_rt['vs'], **kwargs)
ax[7].set_ylabel('vs [m/s]')